CHESS—Chief Housewares Executive SuperSession—is IHA’s annual senior-level conference for industry leaders. This strategic education and networking event of the year allows attendees to access high-profile industry experts directly and share information and ideas with other housewares and home goods decision-makers. Held every fall, CHESS attracts more than 150 chief officers of IHA’s most prominent member companies. The program includes Keynotes, panel discussions, general sessions and networking opportunities—the most valuable part of the 2-day event according to past participants. This year’s theme of “Consumer Alignment…Embracing Change for Growth” will cover sessions designed to address the evolving retail and consumer marketplace.

Keynotes, Industry Presentations and Panel Discussions

The CHESS agenda and speaker lineup are designed specifically for chief officers of all IHA member companies and their top decision makers and features sessions on critical issues affecting the home and housewares business.

Networking Opportunities

The CHESS conference is designed to afford industry executives the opportunity to network and discuss relevant challenges and opportunities present in today’s business environment. Through scheduled networking breaks, breakfast and lunch formats, and the highly anticipated dinner on day 1 (Tuesday, October 3rd), CHESS is the ideal forum to share your knowledge and experience with industry executives as you seek solutions and search for opportunities in your business.

2017 CHESS Speaker and Presentation Previews

For additional information, please contact Ginny Costello.



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