January Currency Outlook

In their January Currency Outlook, Tempus, an exchange rate and global payments company, provides a 2016 review and a look at what’s ahead. The View Section of the Report details the following: US$ strength to be tested with change of the guard…A strong economy and policy divergence meets Donald Trump € Euro could be re-shaped, if […]

The Latin American Small Appliances Markets

Daniela Strebl, Regional Director Small Appliances Latin America for GfK Retail and Technology Chile Ltda., tells us about her company and her upcoming presentation on the Latin American Small Appliances Market: Opportunities and Challenges. GfK, founded in 1934 in Germany, is one of the largest global marketing research companies. With more than 13,000 employees in […]

Align Your Brand with the “Well-Luxe” Lifestyle

In an interview with Nancy Trent, Founder & President of Trent & Company, Inc. Marketing Communications, we learn about her company, passion and about the “Well-Luxe” lifestyle. Nancy is a writer and speaker, a lifelong health advocate, a globe-trotting trend watcher and the founder and president of Trent & Company, a New York-based marketing communications […]

Martin M. Pegler Retires; Anne Kong to Start as gia Expert Juror

After 16 years as a gia Expert Juror, Martin M. Pegler is retiring from full-time involvement in the IHA Global Innovation Awards (gia) but will not leave the program entirely, the International Housewares Association (IHA) and the International Home + Housewares Show, the global sponsors and organizers of the gia program, announced today. Pegler, who […]

Housewares Executives Bullish About 2017

Many housewares executives are bullish about 2017, despite the political and economic uncertainty that characterized 2016 both in the U.S. and around the globe. With a close eye on the incoming administration, industry leaders will also be focusing on the continued transition to seamless retailing, opportunities to connect directly with consumers digitally and keeping the […]

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