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Put a Smile in Your Display

by Martin M. Pegler What is a smile? Is it the enigmatic look on the face of the Mona Lisa that is called the Da Vinci smile? OR, is it that sudden expression of relief or pleasure or satisfaction that turns a dark, frowning visage into a sunny, glowing face that exudes a sense of […]

Another Carrier Merger

The steamship industry was riddled with carrier consolidation during 2015 and 2016. A total of eight carriers were either acquired or merged with other carriers. Shippers were hoping that 2017 would bring some stability to their supply chains. The stability lasted only six months. On July 9, 2017, COSCO Shipping Holdings announced that they were […]

Complimentary Education & Learning Opportunities with IHA

IHA Offers frequent webinars to keep you informed of the latest industry developments and educated on best business practices.  Take part in an upcoming webinar starting in September or watch a previous recorded webinar on a wide variety of topics.    Shifting the Paradigm: One-Size-Does-NOT-fit-all for Shared Warehousing 12:00 pm CDT September 13 Housewares firms […]