CHESS 2017 Recap: Antitrust Pricing Challenges

Attorney Wendelynne Newton, of the Pittsburgh-based firm Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC is no stranger to CHESS audiences. She has spoken to IHA groups in the past and delivers complex information in a straightforward manner. She set the stage for her remarks by stating that the rapidly changing marketplace is hazardous: the retail sector is […]

CHESS 2017 Recap: Future Shift & Transformation 2017-2037

David Houle, Futurist, David Houle & Associates, opened the second day of the conference with a mind-expanding presentation that reframed information presented on the first day and gave the audience a new perspective for sessions to follow. Author, lecturer and educator David Houle has spoken to 3500 groups of business leaders and last addressed CHESS […]

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