In the 2018 Global Powers of Retail Report, newly produced by Deloitte as a collaboration with STORES magazine, authors explore the transformative environment that is enabling consumers to shop however, wherever, whenever and for whatever they want. This disruption of traditional business models has resulted in significant change in retail markets, while delivering rapid growth to the most nimble and innovative of retailers.

The report covers many retail trends that have resulted in transformative change as well as the global economic outlook for major markets. The global economy is currently enjoying relatively strong growth and has generally held disruptions to a minimum, although there are several clearly visible risks. These risks and other potential challenges retailers may face on the economic landscape are identified and discussed within the report.

To adapt to the rapidly changing marketplace, traditional retailers are shifting focus and resources to better compete against online retailers including strategic partnerships, acquisitions, and significant capital investments. At the same time, online retailers are engaging in some of the same activities to continue their growth and market dominance.

The top 250 global retail powers are listed and key metrics compared. Some significant changes appear in the 2018 list, driven mostly by the growth of online or hybrid retailers, consolidation, and acquisitions by others. An overall picture of the changing world of retail is clearly reflected in the report.

The report is published by the World Retail Congress and is available for free by providing your contact information.



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