Interview with Nancy TrentIn an interview with Nancy Trent, Founder & President of Trent & Company, Inc. Marketing Communications, we learn about her company, passion and about the “Well-Luxe” lifestyle. Nancy is a writer and speaker, a lifelong health advocate, a globe-trotting trend watcher and the founder and president of Trent & Company, a New York-based marketing communications firm.  Trent & Company grew out of Nancy’s personal commitment to helping people live longer and healthier lives.  A PR expert with more than 30 years of experience creating and managing successful campaigns, Nancy is also a former journalist for New York magazine, has written seven books on healthy lifestyles and serves on the editorial boards of several magazines.

Nancy, what is the most exciting or rewarding part of your work?  What fuels your inspiration?
Stress is the number # 1 killer.  Joy is the number # 1 healer.  I opened my agency 30 years ago to help people live healthier and happier lives.  All  the brands and personalities we represent are full-on focused on improving the health quotient of how people live every day. 

Can you name a pivotal event or project that impacted your career or company?
It’s amazing to see how juicing has become mainstream since we launched the Juiceman Juicer 25 years ago with cancer survivor Jay Kordich.  Back then, juicing was a last resort for sick people.  We had to make it aspirational for healthy people. It’s not what you say about your brand that matters.  It’s what other people say about your brand that resonates.  We got the Juiceman Juicer into the hands and hearts of celebrities, chefs, doctors, trainers and other health influencers.  We saw the lights go on as people felt the benefits of juicing.   Juicing has become so sexy that super models match their juices to their clothes, nail polish and make up on Instagram.  We continue to use the same methods to promote all kinds of health products. 

In the past few years, what has changed most in your business? How has your company met these challenges in the way you do your work?
We were working in wellness before it was cool and trendy.  We must continue to keep looking for what’s new and motivate people to prefer greener, healthier alternatives.  We also need to help protect people from “me-to” brands trying to ride the wave by “health-washing” their products and duping consumers.

Why did you choose to speak at the International Home + Housewares Show?
Healthy lifestyles impact every aspect of our lives and every room in the house.  The housewares industry upgrades our homes, office, travel and entire life. I’ve attended the Innovation Theater for many years and have many clients who use this Show as a launch pad.  I’m most excited about being part of the conversation and turning people on to a new kind of PR.

Align Your Brand with the “Well-Luxe” Lifestyle
March 21, Tuesday, 10:30 – 11:20 am
Innovation Theater, Lakeside Center, Room E350

Tell us what you will be speaking about and how and this topic is important for Show audiences.
 I’ll be speaking about “well-luxe.”   We believe that consumers are willing to pay more for brands that deliver quality, state-of-the-art technology and style.  “Well-luxe” is a term I coined when organizing and moderating roundtables for influential media in this category for the Luxury Marketing Council. 

What do you see as consumers’ biggest concerns regarding housewares products?
People are intimidated by technology and confused by health benefits.  They don’t know what to believe and they have a short attention span.  To have a successful media relations campaign you need to be able to spread information in an entertaining and engaging way that doesn’t lose the integrity of your message but is heard above the clamor and most important…connects with the consumer. 

 What are some of today’s trends or issues that new product development professionals and/or retailers face in the housewares market?
Housewares products make it easier to eat, drink, sleep, work, breathe, sit, calm down—you name—more healthfully. Eating out may be a threat, but for today’s urban nomads houseware products have an opportunity to make it easier to make everywhere a home.

Contact Nancy at:

Nancy Trent
Trent & Company, Inc
Marketing Communications
594 Broadway, Suite 901
New York, NY 10012

Innovation propels the housewares industry. Learn from experts about how to invigorate your new products and services by enhancing your innovation efforts. Critical issues such as global design trends, licensing, the emerging Smart Home category, branding, the needs of distinct consumer age and gender groups, the future of food and parenting – all impact the home goods market. Be sure to attend the free executive-level educational sessions at the Innovation Theater. These programs will give you a fresh perspective as you walk the Show and will inspire, inform and improve your business.

The four days of the 2017 International Home + Housewares Show will be packed with events and education. To help you plan your valuable time at the Show, we introduce you to the speakers and the 21 exciting presentations that will take place in the Innovation Theater in the Lakeside Center. Gain cutting-edge insights that you can apply to your work. All programs are audio-recorded and will be available at after the Show.



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