In their April 2017 Currency Outlook report, Tempus, an exchange rate and global payments company, provides a detailed report including the following topics and sections:

In Brief

  • Stock markets declined, including a 3% Down Jones fall
  • Record turnout in the Dutch election revealed Mark Rutte as the victor over Geert Wilders
  • Brexit started March 29, beginning a two-year process

In Focus

  • The GBP rose 3.3% in March
  • Consumer Prices increased 2.3% in February, exceeding the Bank of England’s 2% target
  • Polling in Scotland revealed underwhelming interest to leave the UK
  • Downside risks remain for GBP including the official Brexit talks and stagnant consumption

The View – US$ facing downward pressure, but volatility in markets has returned

  • The Fed’s March interest rate increase has not yet had a positive impact on the the USD

IBC Members can download the complete Currency Outlook from the members-only section of the IBC website under the Special Reports section.  IBC membership is free for all regular IHA members – to learn more and to join, visit the IBC membership information page.



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