The Brazilian market of 200 million potential consumers presents many alluring opportunities, however, complying with the regulatory requirements and standards make market entry a challenge.  The U.S. Commercial Service is therefore offering a program on regulatory compliance for electrics suppliers with an interest in selling into Brazil.

To address the regulatory requirements and standards required to enter and comply within the Brazilian market, the U.S. Commercial Service has organized a seminar on February 28 designed to educate exporters on Brazilian regulatory compliance.

Attendees will learn the processes involved in certifying products in Brazil and how to adapt products for Brazilian standards. The presenters will offer a general view of the types of certifications and the respective agencies overseeing certifications, as well as step-by-step guidance related to the stages involved in the certification process.

This program is recommended for companies manufacturing: home appliances / IoT devices, LED lamps, drones, HVAC, RFID, remote controls and Bluetooth-enabled devices.

Program Details:

9:00 – 11:00 am
Tuesday, February 28

Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
350 S Bixel St
Los Angeles, CA 90017

$40 per attendee – register here.

See the flyer for more information:  Brazil – Regulatory Compliance Demystified.

With questions, contact Eric Olson at + or Moacir Rodovalho at +55-81-3416-3123.



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