Denis Leclerc

As a preview to his Executive Education session during the upcoming IBC Global Forum, the following is a brief on Dr. Denis Leclerc, Professor of Cross-Cultural Communication at Thunderbird School of Global Management.  Dr. Leclerc’s work has been published in multiple journals with a focus on communication and negotiation, including the written research of the impact of culture on global negotiation.

Dr. Denis Leclerc will present this year’s Global Forum Executive Education session on International Negotiation Strategies.  Dr. Leclerc will tailor his expertise in global communication and international negotiations to bring a pragmatic approach to this important component of your sales cycle, emphasizing the mutual benefit of proper negotiations.

The aim of the Executive Education session is to allow for attendees to refresh and grow vital skills that allow for expansion within their international sales roles.  This session will aim to help attendees integrate the global negotiation process in the most effective manner and improve upon current skills and experiences.  Dr. Leclerc will discuss the challenges of cross-cultural negotiation and help attendees make situational adjustments as needed in various encounters.

Although there is no single framework that works in every situation, Dr. Leclerc will address techniques and skills that will build greater effectiveness in management of global business negotiations.  Learning from Dr. Leclerc’s interactive Executive Education session will give attendees an invaluable edge when conducting real-world negotiations with current and new buyers.




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