Although one key component of the IBC Global Forum is the education received through the retailer and distributor presentations, there are several other tangible benefits to attending this annual event.  The 2018 IBC Global Forum will feature a Tabletop Trade Show as exclusive opportunity for attendees to expand their network and grow sales.  This component to the Global Forum is presented only when the meeting is hosted outside of the U.S. in a market where the home and housewares buying audience is amenable to joining the IHA members for a reception.

This year’s Tabletop Trade Show will take place on Tuesday evening, September 25 for a two-hour period and will allow suppliers to showcase a small collection of products while Canadian buyers join the group for cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.  Exhibiting suppliers are encouraged to invite all current buyers to the evening.  An invitation will be provided for suppliers to share with their Canadian buying contacts.  In cooperation with IHA’s Canada Office, the publisher of HomeStyle Magazine, IHA is promoting the event to the Canadian buying audience.  For a small investment, connecting with Canadian buyers is a simple add-on for companies attending the Global Forum in Toronto.

In addition to the Tabletop Trade Show and educational presentations, the Global Forum has a formalized networking component through the Strategic Problem Solving Sessions. Two sessions are planned to allow for attendees to ask and receive feedback from exporters of every level, guided by the IBC Board of Directors.  One session will be freestyle, allowing for IBC members to solicit feedback on topics that they’re facing that may be barriers to export success or ease.  This offers attendees the freedom to explore multiple opinions on a particular issue.  The second of the two Strategic Problem Solving sessions will be category-based and will take into consideration the topics that attendees selected during registration for the Global Forum.  After surveying past Global Forum attendees, the networking sessions have received high praise.  Upon offering only one Strategic Problem Solving session, meeting attendees expressed interest in adding a second session into the agenda the next year.

Don’t miss out on the trifecta of opportunities awaiting you at the Global Forum: education, buyer connections and networking. For more information, read additional speaker previews or visit our website to learn more and register.




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