Victims of Hurricanes Irma and Maria also will receive assistance from Good360, the charity the International Housewares Association has partnered with to provide hurricane victims with home goods products as they rebuild their lives and homes. Last week IHA announced its partnership with Good360 to help Texas recover from Hurricane Harvey.

Good360 is working closely with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help shelters with immediate needs such as personal items, toiletries and water. The recovery and rebuilding phases in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and other areas affected by Harvey, Irma and Maria will last for months and years. IHA members can help Good360 pre-position product to help in the rebuilding phase. Companies with products that can help in any stage of the disaster can easily complete Good360’s online donation form and the Good360 staff will get the donated product to the right place at the right time to best assist the victims of Harvey, Irma and Maria.

When making a donation, companies should note that they are members of IHA to help Good360 track the donations. Companies can also request their donations go to a specific area of need.

“Along with the millions of residents dealing with the devastation of these hurricanes, more than 50 IHA member companies located in Florida were greatly affected as well. The work of Good360 and the generosity of the housewares industry will help make a difference for millions of hurricane victims in all areas impacted by Harvey, Irma and Maria,” said Phil Brandl, IHA president & CEO.

Members with questions about donating product can contact Jim Alvey, Good360’s director of corporate development, at or visit for more information.

About Good360
Good360 is a 501(c)(3) nonpartisan nonprofit that works with companies, charities and individuals to make the business of giving simpler, more efficient and more effective. The Alexandria, Va.-based organization was created in 1983 to help companies donate inventory to charitable organizations.


The International Housewares Association is the 79-year-old voice of the housewares industry, which accounted for (US)$346.9 billion at retail worldwide in 2015 ($82.2 billion at retail in the U.S.). The not-for-profit, full-service association sponsors the world’s premier exposition of products for the home, the International Home + Housewares Show, and offers its 1,700 member companies a wide range of services, including industry and government advocacy, export assistance, State-of-the-Industry reports, point-of-sale and consumer panel data through Housewares MarketWatch, executive management peer groups, a unique Web-based community at and group buying discounts on business solutions services. 



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