The Netherlands is an ideal Gateway to the European market. Many international companies have based their pan-European Distribution Centers in this country, enabling them to offer top-quality service and quick deliveries to their clients throughout the European Union and beyond. The Holland International Distribution Council (HIDC) assists international companies in setting up or re-structuring their European supply chain by providing information, tailor-made advice and match-making services.

HIDC is a private, non-profit organization representing approximately 400 companies and organizations in the Dutch logistics industry. Based on years of experience and in-depth knowledge of European logistics, HIDC provides information, supplies tailor-made advice and offers match-making services to international companies that are entering the European market for the first time, or that are expanding or re-engineering their European supply chain structures. All members of HIDC have strong track records in their respective fields, enabling HIDC to identify the most suitable providers for every inquiry.

All advisory services are free of charge, totally confidential and without any obligation. HIDC’s matchmaking process usually consists of the following steps:

Advice on European supply chain design and assistance in defining logistics requirements 

There are many different ways to get your products to your customers in Europe. The most efficient and cost-effective way will be different for each company. By filling out HIDC’s logistics questionnaire, you will provide insight into your company’s product and market characteristics, your current supply chain set-up and your company’s goals and objectives for the European market. This information will enable HIDC’s project managers to offer you tailor-made advice on the best set-up for your company, and point you at relevant issues your company will be facing in this process.

Neutral advice on logistics partner selection

HICD have profiles of hundreds of logistics service providers. More importantly, HIDC knows these companies personally. This enables them to select providers that can best meet your company’s specific needs. Knowing your business and requirements, HIDC can guarantee to act as your matchmaker for a profitable and lasting partnership.

Arrange ‘Fact Finding Trip’ in the Netherlands to meet potential partners

Seeing is believing! Therefore, HIDC advises companies to visit a selection of companies before taking any further steps, or making any decisions. HIDC can arrange these meetings and one of its project managers will accompany you during this trip, so that you do not have to worry about transportation, and to give you advice and feedback.

Assistance with every step – now and in the future

In addition to choosing your European logistics partners, you will be making decisions on a number of other fronts. Through HIDC’s network partners, they can provide you with contacts and/or information, which can range from financial planning, through customs arrangements, to fiscal provisions and legal contingencies.  Moreover, HIDC’s team will continue to be at your service after relationships with partners in the Netherlands have been established. NIDC will always be available to assist you, should you need to take additional steps in the European market.

HIDC also works closely with EuroDev, the outsourced sales solution provider in Europe featured in the May 2017 Global Connect and on the IBC Blog.

For further information on HIDC, contact Stan de Caluwe, Sr. Manager Supply Chain Solutions.



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