Bold tax reform is making its way through Congress thanks to the efforts of manufacturers and consumer goods suppliers making their voices heard.

Following last week’s 24-16 vote of approval from the House Ways & Means Committee, a House floor vote on tax reform is imminent this week. Last week, suppliers let committee members know that tax reform was a priority, but now every member of the House needs to hear your opinion.

If you support this legislation, it is critical that your representative understands how important tax reform is to your company, the hard-working men and women in your employ and the community where you manufacture.

It is important that you act today by contacting your representative’s office on the Tax Cuts and Job Acts when it comes to the House floor. 

  • To express your opinion on tax reform, click here to quickly find the phone number for your representative.
  • If unable to call, please click here to easily send an email to your representative.

More information is available on the National Association of Manufacturers website. If you have any questions please contact:

Keith Smith
Senior Vice President, Public Affairs and Mobilization
National Association of Manufacturers

Chris Netram
Vice President, Tax & Domestic Economic Policy
National Association of Manufacturers



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