As a preview to the presentation during the upcoming IBC Global Forum, the following is a brief on the IBC 101 workshop.

Over 25 years ago, at the first several IBC Global Forums (then called the HECNA Annual Meeting), most of the attendees were new in some way to exporting.  As the annual IBC Global Forum developed, the IBC Board and membership found that the program would be strongest if attendees were presented with practical information that could be taken back to their offices and put to use immediately for the sake of increasing global sales.  As the Global Forum took this track, the Board of Directors wanted to ensure that members attending for the first time or members who were not already selling globally would have an excellent foundation on export mechanics and essentials that could be implemented just as readily as the pragmatic presentations for seasoned exporters.  Born was the IBC 101 Session.  

Prior to the Global Forum’s welcome dinner and reception on the opening night, September 17, all new-to-export and new Global Forum attendees are encouraged to attend this one-hour session chalk full of how-to information on preparing your company and products for export.   This year’s IBC 101 will be led by IBC Board member, Paul Michalowski, Senior VP of Business Development at Honey-Can-Do.  Along with support from the IBC Board, representing countless years of exporting experience, Paul will present key information, including discussion on: market selection, distribution and pricing models, product adaptation and international trade fair preparation and follow up.  This session is key for attendees aiming to leave the Global Forum with the tools to prepare their companies for a successful entry into exporting as well as any attendees who need a refresher on some of the mechanics of exporting. 

The 2017 IBC Global Forum takes place in Miami from September 17-19.  Additional information and registration details are available online.



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