With the most recent list of proposed tariffs affecting the housewares industry, the International Housewares Association is encouraging members to contact their congressional representatives or provide comment to the United States Trade Representative (USTR) on the tariffs’ effect on their business. The List 4 China 301 tariffs proposes up to a 25 percent tariff rate on approximately $300 billion of goods imported from China. This round comes on the heels of the 25 percent tariff that went into effect May 10 on $200 billion of goods imported from China, the List 3 tariffs.

“As we’ve said with the previous tariffs, IHA maintains a free and fair trade and anti-tariff position and we are opposed to any policy that adds cost to the supply chain without adding value,” said Derek Miller, IHA president. “With the potential impact of these proposed tariffs, along with the other recently imposed tariffs, we strongly encourage our membership to let the government know how housewares suppliers and, ultimately, consumers will be affected.”

The Federal Register notice was published Friday, May 17 and sets in motion the public comment process. A public hearing will be held in the USTR’s office on June 17 and companies interested in testifying at the hearing must submit their request along with a summary of their expected testimony by June 10.

IHA also has been advising members to be aware that certain goods may be eligible for a duty drawback, Miller said. A duty drawback is the refund of Customs duties, certain Internal Revenue taxes and certain fees that have been lawfully collected at importation. The refund is administered after the exportation or destruction of certain goods.  The drawback program is administered by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).  More information can be found here.

IHA encourages members affected by the tariffs to participate in the process and make their voices heard regarding the fourth round of tariff considerations (Docket Number USTR-2019-0004) by taking one or more of the following steps:

  • Familiarize yourself with the proposed tariff subheadings included in the action and the potential impacts to your organization. The complete schedule can be found on the USTR’s website here.
  • Provide feedback about potential impacts to your organization during the public comment period in connection with the proposed action.
  1. Electronic submissions preferred
  2. June 17, 2019 – Due date for written comments.

For questions on the ongoing investigation or proposed action, contact the office of the USTR: Arthur Tsao, assistant general counsel, or Justin Hoffmann, director of industrial goods, at 202-395-5725.  For questions on customs classification of products identified in this action, contact traderemedy@cbp.dhs.gov.

            For more information about the latest actions being taken by IHA or other tariff related inquiries, contact Mark Adkison IHA’s vice president international via email or at 847-692-0126.  

The International Housewares Association is the 81-year-old voice of the housewares industry, which accounted for (US)$364.2 billion at retail worldwide in 2017 ($91.6 billion at retail in the U.S.). The not-for-profit, full-service association sponsors the world’s premier exposition of products for the home, The Inspired Home Show, IHA’s Global Home + Housewares Market, and offers its 1,400 member companies a wide range of services, including industry and government advocacy, export assistance, State-of-the-Industry reports, point-of-sale and consumer panel data through Housewares MarketWatch, executive management peer groups, a unique Web-based community atwww.housewares.org, group buying discounts on business solutions services and direct-to-consumer engagement through TheInspiredHome.com.



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