As a preview to the upcoming IBC Global Forum, to follow is additional information on the South Africa Market Overview session presented by David Nourse, General Manager of KoolaWorld:

KoolaWorld is an importer and distributor of home and housewares products in South Africa.  The company relies on their established relationships with department stores, independent retailers, wholesalers and online retailers to cover all distribution channels throughout South Africa.  KoolaWorld’s product sales are broken down by a mix of department stores (35%), independent retailers (35%), online outlets (25%) and wholesalers (5%) all of which are serviced by their sales representatives which cover the entire country.  To support the product lines distributed by KoolaWorld, the company produces a catalog to feature all of the SKUs they stock as well as offers to import un-stocked products within a brand’s range that a retail customer may request.

During his presentation at the Global Forum, David Nourse will describe how KoolaWorld operates within the landscape of the South African market and how the distributor selects products that will thrive in this unique market.  David will describe KoolaWorld’s brand awareness strategy for South Africa, which incorporates key tools for success in the market, including advertising, demonstrations, point-of-sale branding and in-store promotions.  In addition, David will discuss KoolaWorld’s aim to develop sales in other African markets including Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Learn more about this year’s IBC Global Forum will be held in Toronto, Canada, September 23-25, 2018 and register today!



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