As a preview into the upcoming IBC Global Forum, to follow is additional information on the Executive Education Session presented by Dr. Richard Ettenson, Professor of Global Marketing and Brand Strategy of Thunderbird School of Global Management.

Dr. Ettenson is an entrepreneur who has founded three start-ups and has published extensively, producing nearly 100 articles, book chapters, and international conference presentations. These include articles in the leading management outlets such as Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Ad Age, as well as publications in top-tier academic journals.

During this year’s Executive Education Session, Dr. Ettenson will address that while global markets can be alluring, one of the trickiest growth challenges for small and large companies alike is to duplicate domestic business success abroad. From his experience and research, Dr. Ettenson will address possible hidden internal barriers to overseas success, which, if left unidentified and unaddressed, can sabotage what otherwise could be a “big win”.  Dr. Ettenson, will also share his recent global practitioner research and innovative global tool, published in Harvard Business Review. 

The informative session will be delivered as an interactive workshop, designed to be instrumental in aiding Global Forum attendees diagnose and understand where overseas opportunities may be waiting, and more importantly, where internal corporate weakness may reside.  By identifying and discussing your internal weaknesses and strengths, as well as highlighting potential future trouble areas, Dr. Ettenson will illustrate how and where corrective action can be implemented with both “quick wins” and more long-term steps, before an overseas opportunity is undertaken.

The Executive Education session during the IBC Global Forum, taking place in Toronto September 23-25, 2018, aims at helping attendees increase chances of achieving global sales growth and success.




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