In their October 2017 Currency Outlook report, Tempus, an exchange rate and global payments company, provides a detailed report including the following topics and sections:

In Brief

  • Populism and separatism threatens political landscape in Europe
  • Merkel confirmed for fourth term in German election
  • Fed’s confidence, improved indicators and Euro-zone politics uplifted USD
  • US GDP growth for Q2 upgraded to 3.1%
  • GBP rose despite Brexit negotiations that disappointed and signs of fragility in British economy

In Focus

  • Sterling climbed 3.2% in September based on chances of rate increases

The View – The established order must recognize gains from alternatives

  • Alternative für Deutschland (AfD), Germany’s political party against Germany’s progressive worldview gained 94 of 630 seats of the German legislative body while established parties lost ground
  • Despite uncertainty in Europe, increased spending reached a multi-year high and unemployment remains low
  • The world waist for solutions to the North Korea nuclear threat to South Korea and allies
  • Catalonia pushes for independence from Spain
  • JPY is at a two-month low is susceptible to losses from dovishness in Bank of Japan and uncertainty over an election schedule on October 22 with new position to Prime Minister Shinzō Abe

IBC Members can download the complete Currency Outlook from the members-only section of the IBC website under the Special Reports section.  IBC membership is free for all regular IHA members – to learn more and to join, visit the IBC membership information page.



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