Online Marketing Stats 2017In 2015, the online sales of housewares and home furnishings “accounted for 18% of the overall market and generated $18.67 billion, an increase of 220 basis points from a 15.8% market share in 2014″.  Online shopping retail sales in general are expected to grow steadily and the International Housewares Association is committed to maximizing the success of the home products industry by strengthening member exposure.

Digital marketing continues to be an important tool for housewares brands to connect with both consumers and industry buyers. As a service to our members and Show attendees, we are proud to provide the Social Media & Digital Marketing Center at IHHS2017!

Staffed by the online marketing professionals from E-Power Marketing, the Social Media + Digital Marketing Center is the place to have some face time with industry experts and get your online marketing questions answered! The E-Power team has been IHA’s online marketing partner since 2000 and are invited to the Show to provide members with free consultations to strengthen the industry’s digital successes. Whether you’re just starting out online and are looking for tips and ideas on the best strategies to implement, or you’ve been marketing online for years and need a fresh perspective on how you can generate better results, the Social Media & Digital Marketing Center is the place to be!

The booth is a popular one, so we recommend scheduling your free consultation with the team before the Show starts.  Booking your time early lets the E-Power learn more about your goals and current program to give the best possible recommendations while at the Show! Learn more about the latest digital marketing initiatives and how your brand can put them to work for increased success at the Social Media & Digital Marketing Center!

Schedule your free digital marketing consultation at #IHHS2017!



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