Is the fourth quarter going to bring coal or toys to retailers this year?

With an uptick in the economy improving consumer confidence and a 3.2 percent rise in the incomes of middle class Americans, (as reported by the U.S. census bureau in August), signs are good that retailers are on track to get toys in their stockings. Or at least some cash.

According to research group Mintel’s “Winter Holiday Shopping US 2017” market report, positive sales growth is expected this holiday season.

Though consumers are conducting more of their holiday shopping online, they are also going on the internet to research products they want to buy and are open to shopping in brick & mortar stores.  Here are some of the report’s other findings:

  • Many consumers are willing to break from their normal shopping habits
  • 23 percent of holiday shoppers say that holiday shopping makes them visit retailers they normally wouldn’t visit
  • 25 percent say they often buy items they weren’t planning to buy
  • 84 percent of consumers say they plan to shop online this upcoming holiday season
  • 45 percent of consumers feel the internet has changed how they shop during the holidays
  • 26 percent say they research items online before buying them in a store
  • 15 percent say they plan to do more shopping in stores but end up doing it online


Source: Winter Holiday Shopping US 2017, Mintel



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